How Acting Helps Children Avoid Bullying
Удивительно, но факт | 13.08.2024Bullying is harassment, aggressive harassment. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is quite common in children's groups, in particular, it is not uncommon in schools. This can become a huge problem for a child who is bullied by peers, and negatively affect his mental and physical health. One of the ways to solve this serious problem is acting. How can it help? Plus number one - acting classes help a child to form an adequate self-esteem. And this means that he will not succumb to provocations and will not become a victim of the collective. Such children are resilient even in extremely difficult situations. They are able to cope with negative attitudes from peers. As a rule, young actors form their own view of life and events and they are able to defend their point of view.
Plus number two: acting helps to develop children's communication skills. They learn to own and manage their emotional state, become more calm and confident. In addition, children learn an important skill - to “read” the emotional state of another person and react accordingly to the situation. Agree, it is a valuable quality for adaptation in society! The skills acquired by young actors in the learning process help them to come into contact with new people, establish friendly relations and get out of a conflict situation without aggression, negativity and violence.
Plus number two: acting helps to develop children's communication skills. They learn to own and manage their emotional state, become more calm and confident. In addition, children learn an important skill - to “read” the emotional state of another person and react accordingly to the situation. Agree, it is a valuable quality for adaptation in society! The skills acquired by young actors in the learning process help them to come into contact with new people, establish friendly relations and get out of a conflict situation without aggression, negativity and violence.
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